Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Songs of the week_2

Hi, since monday we have clearly a new song of the week, particularly Ariane is really attached to it, she is singing it all the time, the whole class knows by now the melody...
Once again it is matter of a spanish song, but this time even about the spanish language, their difficulties and possibly misunderstoods, furthermore with english subtitles! It is a special funny song for everybody who speaks spanish but also for everybody else who thinks that their own mother tongue is sometimes complicated or causing confusion.
So we hope you'll enjoy it and that it won't cow down any spanish-learn-plans...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

this week

Okido, everybody who says that there is more time in the holydays than during school time, don't know reality because that's definetely not the case... We even didn't found the time for sharing some photos with you! So here are some pics of our week, some of the hundred cool moments we passed in our holydays -who are ending this night (quel malheur!!)...


Maintenant il est vraimen déjà temps pour le premier Apfelstrudel!

Les créatives de la cuisine

The baking-team!

Notre premier Apfelstrudel! Il n'a même pas survécu 24 heures...
Parce qu'il y a eu des pommes qui sont restées, on a improvisé et encore vite fait un gâteau aux pommes. 

Je trouve il a l'air parfait!  

chez le coiffeur! première fois dans ma vie avec des cheveux tout à fait lisses!
-> beaucoup plus pratique pour faire des moustaches! :s)

Then there is also another song that we listened to a lot this week, it is a really cool dubstep-remix-thing from an flamic DJ, Bakermat (which we still don't know how to pronounce...) and though the lyrics are quite kitsch or trashy, we and our friends really like it and we noticed that it's an excellent rain-song but also good in the sun. So here you are:

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

songs of the week

Hey there! We really like music and are listening to it like every minute of the day. You surely know this feeling that you get sometimes about this one song, that this song you're listening to is THE song of your day, that it's representing how you feel  and what the day is looking like for you. We have this too, even very often, and we'd like to share this special music with you, we'll begin with the song of yesterday, a really nice day, filled with a lot of good mood, warm air (we really burned outside in our winter sweaters) and relaxing due to doing-nothing (at which we are really good).

We have been listening to it during walking the dog and still later while baking an "Apfelstrudel" and an appel cake (photos will come tomorrow). It just puts you in a good mood and makes lust for doing something (-but nothing too big, you have to rest relaxed...), gives a rhythm to walk, gets never boring, -and of course lets grow in you the wish to be able to dance salsa! 
We hope you like it, you'll read more from our last days tomorrow, other songs of this week will follow too.
But now we wish you all bonne nuit, gute nacht, buenas noches and good night! 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Now it starts

Hi there!
Finally the real presentation, the real beginning, we're starting our blog! (Yay) We are Dora and Ariane, two friends who live for the moment in Belgium. On this Blog we are going to share all the craziness which is floating around in our heads and all the weird things that happen in our daily life with you. This will  be in form of pictures, texts, music and other stuff. So have fun and leave comments if the posts made you think about something (interesting of course).
